Technical Advantages:
Increased useful life of the structures by 2-3 times
Environmental friendliness
Increased resistance to electromagnetic corrosion
Object Name Country Year
National Institute of Health
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Rail road tracks, base-plates
Basel, Switzerland
High Accuracy Laboratory, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Stuttgart, Germany
Runway, Airport
Kazan, the Russian Federation
  • Medical institutions with MRI rooms
  • Elements of industrial complexes (plate for induction crucible furnace)
  • Airport Runways
  • Power Plant Facilities
  • Base plates of a railway track
  • Concrete structures (cross-arms of electric power transmission lines, cross ties)

Requirements for non-metallic concrete reinforcement appear more and more often in the modern technological world. The need for the use of fibreglass reinforced plastic bars exists when constructing medical buildings where the tomographic devices are installed and use the phenomena of nuclear magnetic resonance. This is explained by the specifics of operation of imaging units and influence of additional magnetic fields created by the metal structures on their results. The same kind of factor became the reason for the use of fibreglass reinforced plastic bars for the works related to the construction of electrical service stations and generating power units. Composite materials of reinforcing frames have found their active and reasonably justified use also in the construction of airports. Such material helps to increase the protection of a large number of devices responsible for transport safety and elimination of the negative effects of electromagnetic fields and static voltage.