What are the key qualities of a multi-component frame?
  • High strength;
  • Light weight;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • High resistance to corrosive effects of aggressive environments;
  • Excellent rheological properties;
  • Durability;
  • Economic benefit compared to metal.
What is the use of a deal with reinforcing bars rolled up into coils?

The frame in the form of coils is very popular for a number of the following reasons:

The length of 100 meters allows you to cut the bunch according to your necessity. Accordingly, this reduces the amount of wastes, as well as unnecessary costs for them, thus releasing you from the necessity to align individual bars along their original length.

Reinforcing bar coils are transported by any type of transport, even passenger cars, which makes it possible to significantly save on carrier services.

When making large orders, it is possible to manufacture a rod of the coil of any length according to the required dimensions for reinforcement installation.

One of the very significant qualitative characteristics of the non-metallic frame is its self-straightening after uncoiling, as well as the absolute absence of rod deformation. The level of accuracy when uncoiling increases with increasing diameter.

What is the length of the available base for the structure?

The standard length of coil is 100 meters. The bars are supplied in coils from 50 to 200 meters. The bars have standard length of 6 meters. According to your wishes, as well as the conditions of your order, it is possible to supply the bars of any length.

According to what regulatory documents is the frame produced?

The national standard of Ukraine for the manufacture, as well as the use of multicomponent reinforcement does not exist. But manufacturers, as well as consumers, use the rules of DSTU-N B B.2.6-185: 2012 “Instructions for the design and manufacture of concrete products and structures with non-metallic reinforcing bars based on basalt and glass roving”, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development, Building and Housing and Utility Services of Ukraine on September 28, 2012. They fully comply with the quality characteristics, as well as the design standards of a multicomponent fibreglass structure. In addition, our experts take into account the provisions of regulatory documents of the leading countries of the world when using fibreglass bars: Russia, Canada, USA, Japan.

Which of the materials is considered the best for binding the frame reinforcing the foundation: binding wire or plastic clamps or something else?

When binding the reinforcing bars, the plastic clamps or binding wire are used. There are no technological differences. But we recommend considering the tensile strength of the binding material. The binding wire has the highest coefficient of strength compared with the strength of the plastic clamps. But the low strength of the clamp is easily compensated by the thickness of the tie.

The process of binding the coils is as simple as possible. As for the convenience, as well as the speed of binding with a specific material, it depends more on practice, as well as personal and preferential wishes.

Does the company have a patent, copyrights for the production of reinforcing bars or any other kind of permission?

The company does not have any special documents permitting the production of fibreglass reinforcing bars since this kind of reinforcement is not a personal invention of the enterprise.

The beginning of the history of this material dates back to 1870. The mineral wool produced using a powerful steam jet was used for insulation. The first strong, fireproof fibreglass fabric was patented by Herman Hammesfach (1880). Then a patent was issued for the Fiberglas product (1936). The year 1936 was remembered by a patent issued for Carlton Ellis for the polyester resin production technology. British construction had actively been using the material made of glass and plastic. The year 1942 glorified the USA owing to manufacture of resin-impregnated plastic parts, and the year 1964 was remembered by the certificate for the first fibreglass sail-plane. The manufacture of roofing material, swimming pools, electrical insulators, wall panels, plumbing pipes, furniture, containers, insulation materials and other structures using glass and plastic developed and also became more active every year in all countries of the world. Appearance of a large number of companies specializing in fibreglass frames in the United States and Canada dates back to 1970-1980. Thereafter, the manufacture and use of this kind of frame had become widespread in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Based on the foregoing, the company manufactures and sells products known, manufactured and used around the world. And therefore, obtaining special documents for the manufacture of a non-metallic frame is not only irrational, but also impossible.

High corrosion resistance of the plastic frame is not the main quality characteristic for customers due to the possibility of using an additional protective layer of concrete. It absolutely does not affect the strength of the reinforcing bars which is the main argument when using reinforcing material. How is it possible to deal with such an important indicator?

Concrete, as the main component of any structure, in essence, is already an aggressive environment. Its qualitative characteristics are absolutely accurately described in the papers of Yu. P. Volkov, A.N. Lugovoi and V.F. Savin, titled “Resistance of Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic Bars to the Effects of the Aggressive Environment of Concrete” on the pages of the magazine “All Concrete” published on November 16, 2008.

In addition, it should be noted that the steel frame under the influence of corrosion increases in its diameter by 13 times, thereby weakening and even breaking concrete on its own. Thus and from that moment it is no longer reinforcement.

This forces the consumer to replace the bar or even the entire reinforced structure thus leading to an increase in costs. That is why the corrosion resistance is the main indicator of the durability of the multicomponent structure. Significantly ahead of its steel analogue, the non-metallic frame comes to the fore.

The ageing of the frame occurs much later than the ageing of the building itself, at least morally. But at the same time, the price of steel and fibreglass reinforcing is significantly different. What about the price of fibreglass bars per ton if it is several times more expensive than steel?

The main thing for establishing pricing policy per tonne of frame is to understand not its weight, but the volume measured in meter coefficient. The bars made of glass and plastic are lighter than steel, and therefore a ton of steel frame is 10 times larger than the fibreglass frame. The price of multicomponent reinforcement per meter is significantly lower by 15-30%. Moreover, the price of a different frame of the same diameter should not be taken as a basis, since multicomponent reinforcement, being thinner, is much stronger (2.5 times) than its steel analogue. And therefore, the concept of “equal replacement” shall not be applied.

The increased plasticity of the fibreglass frame in the event of a critical situation may lead to cracks unlike steel reinforcement. How to deal with this?

In case of incorrect calculation of the volume of reinforcement for a concrete or other structure, the metal reinforcement will stretch and burst at the end. The fibreglass frame does not have tensile properties, while holding the resistance to the utmost.

Equality of thermal expansion coefficient of metal reinforcement and concrete reduces to nothing the use of the bars made of glass and plastic. How is it possible to prove the significance of multicomponent reinforcement in this situation?

The indicator of temperature (thermal) distribution in concrete is 0.00001 C – therefore increasing the temperature by 50 C the expansion reaches 0.5 mm/m. Steel reinforcement has a temperature (thermal) expansion indicator of 0.000012 C, and fibreglass reinforcement – 0.00001 C. Therefore, the temperature indicators of fibreglass are very close to concrete.

Is it possible to replace steel reinforcement with fibreglass to reinforce the foundations and floor slabs when constructing cottages?

Reinforcement of foundations using fibreglass frame is the best solution for the developer taking into account physical and technical properties of strength and economic benefits for this kind of basement. That is why replacement technology has gained its popularity in the West, and by the 2000s it also spread to Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

What is the best way to measure the diameter of fibreglass reinforcement being sold: by the outer diameter (8 mm) or by the inner diameter (6 mm) to protect yourself from fraud?

There is no difference between measuring the outer and inner diameter.

What is the need for an external winding of fibreglass reinforcement?

It is made in order to increase such characteristics as bonding to concrete material.

Is an increase in winding equal to an increase in bonding?

A real indicator of the increased bonding to concrete is the changed structure, as well as the shape of the frame bar. And often outer windings do not lead to higher and more stable bonding to concrete.

The weight of the frame is an absolutely negligible amount compared to the weight of the entire foundation, on which the main load will fall. In this case, what is the weight of the reinforcing bars used for reinforcing the structure?

The weight difference is 4 times higher. And this is subject to full correspondence of the diameter of steel and metal-plastic reinforcement. But in case of equal-strength replacement, the non-metal frame is not 4 but 8 or even 11 times lighter. In addition, this kind of bars is more resistant to aggressive environmental influences, which makes it possible to reduce the use of concrete by one protective layer. Actual weight reduction in certain structures may reach even 25%.

The presence of cold bridges is a problem of concrete material but not of its reinforcement. So, what is the value of resistance of a fibreglass bar to thermal conductivity compared to metal analogue?

Using a fibreglass frame, reinforced structures may be separated by a heat insulator. In this situation, fibreglass reinforcing bars copes with stopping the process of transferring cold from the outer layer of concrete/brick /to the inner layer. Moreover, the metal has a low thermal conductivity, especially when comparing it with glass or plastic, which increases the level, as well as the freezing rate of the concrete structure. It should also be noted that the metal structure, namely, the end exposed to frost, can lead to crack in the entire structure.

Self-shielding of concrete and brick negates such a qualitative characteristic of fibreglass reinforcing bars as radio transparency. So how is it useful then?

Concrete or brick is only partially shielded, and under the influence of humidity they still reduce the percentage of this process. The steel has always been a good shield.

Is it practical to use fibreglass reinforcing bars to strengthen monolithic concrete floors and blind areas near house?

A perfect material for pouring monolithic floors without undue fear is a multi-component frame.

What diameter of the fibreglass reinforcing bars is the best to be used for reinforcing the foundation?

The diameter of the fibreglass reinforcing bars is established according to the results of the design calculation. In this case, indicators of the load on the foundation are taken into account.

What kind of tool is used during installation of multicomponent fibreglass reinforcing bars?

No special tools for the frame made of fibreglass reinforcing bars exist. When binding the base of the structure, a wire or plastic clamp is used. The frame cutting is carried out by a tool selected according to the diameter of its bar: 8 mm – nipping pliers or bolt cutter, over this size – a grinder or hacksaw.

Is there a special method of building a fibreglass base on a horizontal structure?

The frame bars have the overlaps, the distance of which is 100 mm of the diameter of the bar used by you. The overlaps are fastened with clamps and joined by filling concrete. Consumers around the world use the reinforcing bars in a vertical or horizontal position of the structure. Statistics show that the number of fibreglass-reinforced horizontal structures as a percentage of vertical is 54%.