Technical Advantages:
Increased useful life of the structures by 2-3 times
Inactivity to the influence of aggressive environments (chlorine salt, acid and alkaline substances)
Increased corrosion resistance and wear resistance
Similar thermal expansion coefficient to concrete
Object Name Country Year
Repair of Salem Avenue bridge decking
Ohio, USA
Dry dock No 4, restoration
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA
Multi-level parking La Chanceliere
Quebec, Canada
  • Coastal structures (docking facilities, dams, breakwaters)
  • Structures of buildings made of iron and concrete in industrial areas
  • Floor plates and bridge fences
  • Fountains, swimming pools
  • Parking areas

Repair works aimed at restoration of reinforced concrete structures are often very significant and require a shut-down of the entire enterprise or its individual workshops. External reinforcement made of plastic and glass is not sensitive to corrosion. But even in case of a violation of the stable process of the reinforcing bar, use, it differs in short terms required for making repairs. This is a very important factor for the rational choice of the fibreglass reinforced plastic bars during installation and maintenance of building structures. In addition, the absence of the possibility of corrosion damage to the structure significantly extends the hourly interval of use of the frame made of glass and plastic, and also reduces the cost of scheduled and overhaul repair of the reinforcing bars.